Welcome to Tiggers
   Welcome to Tiggers

‘The Great Turnditch Bake Off’ 
We raised an amazing £150+ 
Well done to everyone who entered the cakes were amazing, also to those who baked cakes to sell and of course to Jenny Edmunds for her fantastic organisation

See our gallery for the cakes!

Saturday 25th July, 4.30 pm onwards @ Pre-school village hall
Family Bingo, Fish & Chip supper, tombola, quiz plus much more........
Tickets on sale at Tiggers 

Our Easter fundraiser raised an amazing £320, well-done everyone involved

Turnditch and Windley WI

We would like to say a huge thank you to Turnditch & Windley WI for supporting us through their fundraising for the past year, we were one of two chosen charities supported by the WI last year in which they raised well over £2000. The pre-school was presented with a cheque for just over £800 last week, this monies will go a long way on ticking some of the priority items of our wish list. Amongst the items we wish to purchase are; trampoline, dolls cots, water trough and Easel that is height adjustable for our youngest children can access, plus a gazebo for the outside area to enable us to play safely in the sunshine. This alone will cost well over £400, the additional monies will go on outdoor resources and enhancing the play area THANK YOU

We raised an amazing £152 at the Christmas Fayre at Shottle Hall

We would like to thank Turnditch Primary for letting us hold the stall

To all those parents and committee who baked fantastic cakes for us, thank you

Also to our fantastic committee for organising the event THANK YOU

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© Turnditch & District Playgroup